
Healthy Weight Loss and Dieting Tips

How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off


In our eat-and-run, massive-portion-sized culture, maintaining a healthy weight can be tough—and losing weight, even tougher. If you’ve tried and failed to lose weight before, you may believe that diets don’t work for you. You’re probably right: some diets don’t work at all and none of them work for everyone—our bodies all respond differently. But while there’s no easy fix to losing weight, there are plenty of steps you can take to develop a healthier relationship with food, curb emotional triggers to overeating, and achieve lasting weight-loss success.


Different views of successful, healthy weight loss

Pick up any diet book and it will claim to hold all the answers to successfully losing all the weight you want—and keeping it off. Some claim the key is to eat less and exercise more, others that low fat is the only way to go, while others prescribe cutting out carbs. So what should you believe?
The truth is there is no “one size fits all” solution to permanent healthy weight loss. What works for one person may not work for you, since our bodies respond differently to different foods, depending on genetics and other health factors. To find the method of weight loss that’s right for you will likely take time and require patience, commitment, and some experimentation with different foods and diets.

“Calories in/calories out” view of weight loss

Some experts believe that successfully managing your weight comes down to a simple equation: If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight. Sounds easy, right? Then why is losing weight so hard?
  1. Weight loss isn’t a linear event over time. When you cut calories, you may drop weight for the first few weeks, for example, and then something changes. You eat the same number of calories but you lose less weight or no weight at all. That’s because when you lose weight you’re losing water and lean tissue as well as fat, your metabolism slows, and your body changes in other ways. So, in order to continue dropping weight each week, you need to continue cutting calories.
  2. A calorie isn’t always a calorie. Eating 100 calories of high fructose corn syrup, for example, can have a different effect on your body than eating 100 calories of broccoli. The trick for sustained weight loss is to ditch the foods that are packed with calories but don’t make you feel full (like candy) and replace them with foods that fill you up without being loaded with calories (like vegetables).
  3. Many of us don’t always eat simply to satisfy hunger. We also turn to food for comfort or to relieve stress—which can derail any weight loss efforts before they begin.

Low carb view of weight loss

A different way of viewing weight loss identifies the problem as not one of consuming too many calories, but rather the way the body accumulates fat after consuming carbohydrates—in particular the role of the hormone insulin.
  • When you eat a meal, carbohydrates from the food enter your bloodstream as glucose.
  • In order to keep your blood sugar levels in check, your body always burns off this glucose before it burns off fat from a meal.
  • If you eat a carbohydrate-rich meal, your body releases insulin to help with the influx of all this glucose into your blood.
  • As well as regulating blood sugar levels, insulin does two things: It prevents your fat cells from releasing fat for the body to burn as fuel (because its priority is to burn off the glucose) and it creates more fat cells for storing everything that your body can’t burn off. 
  • The result is that you gain weight and your body now requires more fuel to burn, so you eat more.
  • Since insulin only burns carbohydrates, you crave carbs and so begins a vicious cycle of consuming carbs and gaining weight. To lose weight, the reasoning goes, you need to break this cycle by reducing carbs.
Forever Living’s Clean 9 is creating a wave of success for kickstarting health and weight loss that everyone is asking about it.
From pop stars such as Posh Becks recommending the Aloe Vera diet to celebrities and top sports stars – this has just increased people’s interest and as a result the number of questions they are asking.

So, to answer all those Forever Clean 9 questions in one place – here is our best attempt to provide the answers (and if we’ve missed one, please let us know in the comments below).
These are based on both official Forever Living trainings and our own experience, both as distributors with Forever Living and also people who use and love these products.
For myself, I lost 4kg and dropped a trouser size on the Clean 9. It also formed the basis for developing a healthier lifestyle and I’ve gone on to regularly run 10k races, which is much easier (and better for your knees) when you don’t weigh so much!

How does the Clean 9 Work?

Clean 9 Celebrities
Firstly, pick a nine day sequence when you don’t have any parties or celebrations!
The nine days is then split into two parts
– an initial two days when you consume the protein and nutrition shakes as a food replacement, Therm tablets to beat your tea and coffee cravings in a naturally inspired way, plus Garcinia to help beat the sweet-tooth carvings.
– followed by a further 7 days when you are allowed to eat a 600 calorie meal. However, if you are very active – a sports player or have an active job, such as gardening, then you might want to increase that to 1,000 calories.

For information on how to order, call text or whatsapp me on 08169664607
or BBM:26A798F


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