
You can Have youthful energy at any age!

Welcome again to our blog today. In this post, you will Learn 17 easy strategies that will power up your pep, stamina, alertness, and drive!

No matter your age, you can possess an energy that lasts all day — and into the night. You can have the energy you can tap on demand — no matter how demanding your plans may be.
Supercharge your energy and staying power in just 28 days!

In this post, you’ll be introduced to the strategies, steps, and secrets that will amp up your physical capacity and mental agility. You’ll find how to eliminate the most common causes of fatigue.  And you’ll discover how a few small changes can make a big — and enduring — difference in your energy reserves.
Boosting Your Energy is more than a “pep” talk; it’s an action plan! You’ll find practical “here’s how” guidance for reducing stress…for increasing your energy efficiency… for creating a workout that rewards you with huge energy dividends …and for making your daily diet an abundant power source. 

You’ll replace energy takers with energy makers. What drains your energy? What can you do to gain energy? You’ll read how to fight the enemies of energy and win. You’ll learn the keys to unlocking peak mental energy. And you’ll discover a surprising energy enhancer that you already have at hand.

You’ll power up at mealtime and in-between time. With the report, you will master exercises that generate stamina. You’ll learn a quick tension-easing trick. And you’ll find the most energy-rich foods for fuelling the body — and the mind.

You’ll finish as strong as you start. You’ll have the zest to be at your best all through the day. You’ll get tips for avoiding energy dips…for meeting unforeseen energy demands…for maximizing energy-restoring sleep, and more.

Turn in earlier

Getting your zzz’s is the simplest way to feel younger right now. “The only time your body can truly restore itself is when you’re asleep,” explains Henry Lodge, MD, co-author of Younger Next Year for Women. “It helps build a more vibrant body and brain.” Chances are, you’re not getting as much as you need.

Make up for your sleep debt by turning in early enough to get eight hours of shut-eye for six weeks straight. (Skip The Daily Show and leave the dishes in the sink!) After six weeks, the time it takes to form a lasting healthy snooze habit, you’ll feel the difference (more energy, fewer dark circles).

Eat revitalizing food

While you’re turning that sleep deficit into a surplus, age-proof your meals, too. “Front-load the healthy stuff,” Dr. Lodge advises. “Start every meal with a fruit or vegetable and a tall glass of water.” Loading up on the vitamins and antioxidants in fruits and veggies will make you feel refreshed, recharged, and reenergized.

And no need to always skip dessert: “As long as 90% of your food choices are healthy, allow yourself to indulge in that remaining 10%,” Dr. Lodge says. “When you have an ice cream cone, really, truly enjoy it!” Just like you did when you were a kid.

Pump some iron

The right kind of strength-training can help you feel 10, 20, even 30 years younger, says Bob Greene, trainer, and author of 20 Years Younger.

“When done properly, weight-training makes microtears in the muscles, which leads your body to generate thicker, stronger muscle fiber.” Strengthening your muscles in this way leaves you less vulnerable to injuries and builds your stamina.

Greene advises focusing on your lower body and core: Use a set of dumbbells and do a combination of squats, lunges, and calf-raises—two to three sets of 10 reps two to three times a week. It won’t be long before you’ll be giving those 20-year-olds at the gym a run for their money.

Be (a little!) vain

True, getting nipped and tucked is not the golden ticket to eternal youth. But don’t underestimate the power of taking care of your looks (covering your grays, buying a fancy face cream).

“There’s a big difference between going crazy trying to look 10 years younger and trying to look your best at whatever age you are,” says Vivian Diller, Ph.D., author of Face It. “Prolonging the vitality of your skin, your hair, and your body will make you feel more confident and youthful.” So enjoy that salon visit, guilt-free!

Mix it up

Even if you eat right, pump iron, and apply that fab face cream, doing these things in the same order every day is going to start feeling, well, old. “The brain craves novelty,” Miller says. “To feel younger, you have to stimulate it with new associations and new things.”

Miller calls it electro­shock therapy for your behavior, but it’s not as painful as it sounds. Just make little, out-of-the-ordinary changes like stopping at a different café for your morning latte or trying out a new running route.

Find Reasons To Laugh

No matter what obstacles you´ve had to face in life, a good attitude helps overcome the next ones and be open to new relationships and connections. I know beautiful women with pleasant demeanors who’ve gone through the unthinkable, such as the loss of a child. And I also know women embittered by divorce or poor career decisions who look defeated in their forties. Don’t take yourself too seriously!

Dress for your age and size.

Despite the flak middle, aged women get for sharing clothes with their teen daughters, I believe you can actually pull that off! Not by wearing a T-shirt that shows your midriff when you really should be wearing a girdle, but by developing your own sense of style that is ageless. Dress for your shape and size, not for your age.

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