
Explained Reason Why People Are Sick

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Being sick can mean a lot of thing to different people,  likewise the reasons why people get sick.
For the benefit of this post therefore, I want to limit sickness to PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGY.

People get sick daily either physically or psychologically as mentioned above, but the question remains; Why do people fall sick?  Let me get emphatic here. People get sick because they either are abjectly poor or they lack enough money to live a life they want (I mean a good life).

Living a life you want simply mean you can afford to live in a conducive environment, you can afford to eat well (taking balanced diets which MUST ALSO CONTAIN veggies, fruits and nuts),  you can afford to foot your bills which goes beyond paying your ward (s) tuition fees and so on.

The greatest sickness in the world is not HIV/AIDS, it is not gonorrhea and definitely not any other deadly sickness you can mention. The greatest sickness in the world is waking up from bed with the consciousness that your pocket is empty.

A man will definitely die of prostate Cancer not because he had signed a death contract with Prostate, but because he cannot afford the bills for a right prostate treatment.

A lady will become sick or look sickly not because she has purposed in her heart to be sick, but because she cannot foot her make-up, hair do and attire bills.

A couple will ordinarily fight and injure the partner not because fighting is sweet, but because the family lacks the toys of life as a result of lack of money.

You do not need to agree with me on this matter, because I am relaying the fact.

You have never been created to be sick, especially sickness that emanate from lack of money. Find therefore below how to cure your sickness.

You probably are waiting to read a catalogue of ways to cure your sickness which the lack or insufficiency of money has caused. Well, I have just two pieces of advice for you. I also embraced these two advices long ago and became well totally.

THINK OF MAKING MONEY LEGALLY- think Entrepreneurship

Do you want More Explanation and Personal/Free Coaching on this, Speak with the Author on the following Mobile Numbers: +2347056571093, +2348079377934

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