
Why You Should Consider Adding Pawpaw To Your Daily Diet

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Very many persons are familiar with eating pawpaw just as fruit and also for fun, but not many are familiar with its health benefits and even why they should add it to their daily diet.

I was shocked also when I discovered how beneficial pawpaw is, just as I know you will too.

One good thing about Pawpaw which is also known as Papaya is; no part of it is useless i.e every part of the pawpaw tree is healthful. Let's delve into that.

The Pawpaw Seed

Its black seeds are known to have some medicinal properties and are often used to combat some bacterial infections. In some part of the world like India, this black seed is used for contraceptive. The seed can also neutralize the activity of excessive amount of acid in the stomach, and is also useful for heartburn, hernia (a protrusion of an organ  or its part, e.g. the intestine), and gastritis (inflammation). 

Why Pawpaw?

Pawpaw is very high in vitamins A, B, C, D, E, phosphorus, iron, copper, calcium, potassium, magnesium, protein, carbohydrates, cellulose, sodium, and folate. It is also rich in Natural sugars, dietary fiber and antioxidant nutrients.

Vitamin A: 

Simply put; vitamin A is a fat-soluble that aid normal vision, boost the immune system and aid reproduction. It also helps the proper functioning of the heart, lungs, kidney and other organs .

Vitamin B: 
B vitamins include thiamine, riboflavin, niacin/niacinamide, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Some brands of B vitamins also contain ingredients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, biotin, or zinc.. more on Vitamin b later and others later.

As Antioxidant and dietary fiber:

A antioxidants and fiber, pawpaw cleanses the body and flushes toxins. Still under this, pawpaw prevents bad cholesterol from oxidizing, which forms plaque in the blood vessel walls that can lead to heart attack or stroke.

pawpaw  prevents and kills cancer cells due to its antioxidant properties. Pawpaw is used to treat digestive disorder due to its papain (enzyme from pawpaw juice) content which is very important in digesting food. Papain taken orally treats less severe digestion disorders such as bloating and chronic indigestion.
Some tablets we now buy from the health stores contain Papain
Now Specifically For Men

Pawpaw boosts male virility because it contain an enzyme known as  Arginine which doctors use in boosting blood flow around the manhood. A more concentrated form of arginine as found in Papaya is used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Pawpaw has anti-inflammatory properties which also reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and helps you recover from sport injuries, common cold and other serious diseases. It cleanses the body.

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