
See The Days She Can Be Pregnant After Her Flow.

Welcome to SteemView (Our Health Corner) Today. We hope you will gain something after reading from our blog in so much that you will know the days your wife can be pregnant after her menstrual flow.

Often times, some women complain they cannot get pregnant. Some men also often times complain they fail to get their wife pregnant even though they have taken a lot of medications, visited many health centers and some have even done fertility surgeries all to no avail. 

Your wife can get pregnant if you know all you ought to do. With this knowledge, you can plan to discuss with her when exactly you must have sex in order to make her conceive.

When it is best to have sex with your wife for conception.

Most men who are desperate to make their wife conceive think they must have sex with her just every day in order to make that happen. Not only will this create fear in the mind of your wife as she will soon become tired of your everyday disturbances, but it will also make her resist you often when she finally discovers your desperation. This resistance might also include the days when might be most fertile which she is also ignorant of.

My candid advice is, do not bother your wife too much, instead learn from this blog how to calculate her fertile days along with her (i.e. if she knows) and if she does not know, help her to know.

Surprisingly to most men, all women CANNOT be fertile in all the 30 days of the month.

I am so sure that most men who will eventually see this post will wonder if this is true. Yea that is just the bitter truth. Your wife cannot be fertile all through the 30 days. There are some days in the month when your semen can fertilize her eggs, and these days are few. Save yourself the stress of continual sad thoughts and read to the end.

When can a woman get pregnant?

When is it best to have sex?

These are some of the questions married people who have failed to conceive keep asking, and in this post, we will try as much as we can to help answer them.

What are mucus days? Why you should know about mucus days?

Woman mucus days are the days she can easily get pregnant. This is because the sperm easily moves easily through mucus. A woman can get pregnant on all her mucus days and three (3) days after the last mucus days.

Detailed analysis

A woman's monthly cycle begins with about five bleed days.

After the bleed days, her inner lips (The area just below the clitoris and before the bladder entrance) usually turn dry and remain dry for a few days.

Then for about 5 days, her Inner lips (Explained above) feel wet all day. These are called the "Mucus days".

After the mucus days, her inner lips turn dry again and remain dry for about two weeks, then her bleed days begin again.

You must know that conception is not automatic, all that needs to be put in place (Like as explained above) must be done before conception can take place. 

A couple who want child must not stay very far away from each other. They must also endeavor to eat well and also take supplements which boost fertility both in men and women.

I hope this post has benefitted you.

Please show your appreciation by dropping me a comment below. 

For effective fertility boosting supplements and fertility tips, contact PAT On: 07056571093


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