

There was a time Nollywood actress Uche Ogbodo was so active in her career but marriage and pregnancy came along. The fairy tale marriage that made headlines didn’t last more than a month and things fell apart for her.
These days, she is careful of men because of her experience with marriage “Sometimes it gets lonely because there is nobody to talk to. Not that there are no men but because of all the hurts and disappointment I have been through, it is not easy trusting again. Like I say to some of my friends, it is no longer as easy as it used to be for me to trust a man again. Dating is easy but being in a proper relationship is very difficult. Once beaten, twice shy. It is so hard for me to trust someone, to know if he is coming for good and he is not going to betray my trust and hurt me. It is hard that I don’t have a friend even though there are so many men out there. “ she said
She revealed “But then, to get that right person that makes you feel he is your friend; someone that would never hurt me and would be there for better and for worse and I can open my fears to, is difficult and I miss that. “
She said that she is not in a hurry to have that because she is too scared to trust a man. “It is a personal demon now. Marriage is not the first thing on my mind because I am not stable emotionally but I want to be in a relationship because I want to be loved. I want to have someone pray for me, talk to me and relate with me. I would love that so much but it is so difficult finding that person and if care is not taken, you can just keep going in and out of relationships without knowing the right person.”

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