
Wake Up, She Don Pay Your School Fees” – Lady Recounts How She Frighteningly Fell For “Juju” Scam

Nkiru scammed

Awwwww… Obviously in a state of shock that she’d hit the boy, (which she certainly did not), this lady, Nkiru, shares her hilarious yet pitiful story of how she was scammed by a mother and her son.
Some of you might see it as untrue but Nkiru claims every bit of her story is true. Read below:
ThankfulI was driving to work this morning, blasting my gospel music,my phone began to ring so as I tried to reach for it, the next thing I saw was a little boy ran into my car and laid down on the road. Next one woman jumped out from nowhere and started shouting, I was still in shock because I was sure my car did not touch that boy. People gathered and asked I take him to the hospital. Their was no blood but may be the boy fainted. That same woman entered the car with me, claiming she wants to follow me so I don’t dump the boy on the road, I agreed.


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